How To Buy Preloved Designer Handbags
The market for preloved designer handbags is booming, making it a perfectly acceptable way to buy your next favourite accessory. Here is our guide to buying a preloved designer handbag online.
For some they are an investment piece, for others they are a fun addition to this seasons wardrobe that they won’t be seen dead with come Fall. Whatever the reason, the amount of preloved designer handbags on the market is huge. Meaning that finding your next life partner at a price lower than retail is easier than ever. In order to get the best out of the experience there a few points to observe first. We recommend finding a retailer you trust, and doing your homework. We’ve compiled some handy tips to help make buying your designer handbag an enjoyable one.
If you can, shop from a reputable retailer. Any of the options here are totally professional services that pride themselves in selling only good quality, authentic bags. They will authenticate the item for you, and ensure it’s in good condition. If you want to take the pain of out buying second hand, these are definitely the best places to go.
Buying from websites such as Ebay are also good options but require a little more time and detective work. While Ebay has made a lot of positive strides in locking out counterfeit handbags, sometimes you can still be duped. If you are confident of your abilities to spot a fake, you can get something for a lot less money here.
Check for wear. This is especially important if you are buying nearly new. Common areas include the corners and bottom of bags. But also inspect the lining for tears or pen marks. The hardware can often show the first signs of wear so check all of these to make sure you are happy with the condition. Another sign is creasing in the fabric, especially around the straps.
Decide what you are prepared to pay. Commonly available handbag styles can often be bought for less than retail, especially if they are out of season. However if a bag is very rare, or there are currently waiting lists for them, it’s not unusual for them to be more expensive than retail. If it’s too cheap, you should ask questions.
Does the bag come with it’s packaging, dust bag or authentication cards? Some sellers may also have receipts to prove the bag’s origin. There’s no harm in asking for these as many sellers often keep all of these things together with the bag.
Sign up for alerts and newsletters. If what you want isn’t currently available, this will ensure you are the first to hear when they come to sale. Websites like My Wardrobe Mistakes also actively seek out pieces their buyers want when sourcing items so this can sometimes yield results.
Disclaimer: The people and models in the images featured are not associated with The Vendeur and do not endorse it or the products shown. This post may contain affiliate links. Prices correct at time of publishing.