Offline Moment: Bath Rituals
Welcome to your weekly offline moment, where we explore different ways to quieten your mind by taking you offline and back to real life. Our hectic modern lives are increasingly dominated by screens, and as a digital company we know first hand how tough it can be to take a break from that addictive bluish glow.
Bath Rituals
What is a Bathing Ritual? Well we all want to stay clean, but sometimes a quick shower doesn’t really fulfill our emotional needs as well as hygienic ones. It’s based on the idea that water in all its forms is beneficial for our mental and physical wellbeing. From salt water, to moving fresh water, it has transformative properties. Bathing rituals are as old as the Romans. They of course invented the Roman Baths as a way to rest and repair their bodies. A modern day ritual generally means taking a little time for yourself, whilst maybe adding a few embellishments to help you along. We take a look at the various ways you can turn an ordinary bath time into a relaxing and well deserved ritual.
Add Bath Salts
Bathing in salt water has long been known to have a myriad of benefits. Natural salt contains lots of minerals, namely magnesium, potassium and bromides. These benefit your body by increasing circulation and aiding joint and muscle relaxation. Salt is also said to draw away negative energy, so it’s a great option if you are feeling tired and stressed. To heal a tired body try Magnesium Flakes or magnesium rich Epsom Salts. Add any of the following to a warm bath to aid relaxation.
Bath Soaks & Oils
If you want to mix things up then we love adding an oil or clay mix to our bath water. As well as adding a dreamy scent to the water, they double up as exfoliators and moisturisers. Sister & Co. Skin Food’s Almond Bath Soak is a wonder. It smells absolutely yummy thanks to cardamom seeds. The kaolin clay also acts as a gentle exfoliator and skin clarifier. If you want to ease yourself into a peaceful slumber or ease a nagging headache, try adding a few drops of Lavendar essential oil to your bath water instead.
Enjoy a Good Book
It’s such a simple thing but we love to add a little light entertainment to bath time with the help of a book. Sometimes we find ourselves without any spare time to start a book let along finish one. So a Bath Ritual is the perfect time to also allow yourself to engage in a story. Escape into a book to free your mind from everyday stresses. If you are looking for a few ideas on beautiful Winter classics, writer Chloe Sherard reviews her favourites here.
Burn Incense or Sage Smudge
To really make your bathtime a spiritually cleansing experience, why not try burning incense or sage? Burning incense helps to heighten senses, cleanse away negative energy and awaken your spiritual centre. While your bath is running, light your incense or sage and waft it around the room a bit to help the smoke reach every corner. Not sure where to start? Try Incausa’s set featuring handmade resin blends and palo alto.
Bath with Crystals
Take the opportunity to create a positive intention, not just for bath time but for the days or weeks to come. Choose some crystals that have particular meaning to you and decide where you want to position them. You can place the stones around the edge of your bath in line with your chakras to aid energy flow. Or take two to hold in your hands, lay them directly on your body or add to the water.
If you want to take the fuss and stress out of your ritual, or simply give the gift of a bath ritual, we have compiled our favourite ritual kits to help you on your way.
Disclaimer: The content of this article is for general advice only and should not be used as a substitute for professional healthcare or beauty advice. We make every effort to ensure we only recommend safe products however you should always do a patch test when trying new products.