CBD, or cannabidiol, is the new holy grail ingredient on everyone’s lips. Is it really as good as people say, or is it overhyped? We investigate CBD and how it can benefit your health.
What is CBD?
First of all, we have to distinguish between Cannabis, Hemp, and Marijuana. Cannabis is a name for the flowering plants in the Cannabaceae family which consists of three primary species; Cannabis Sativa, Cannabis Indica, and Cannabis Ruderalis. Hemp refers to the non-psychoactive varieties of Cannabis sativa, as it has less than 0.2% of THC, aka the main psychoactive compound in cannabis. On the other hand, it also has very high levels of cannabidiol (CBD). It’s the same Hemp used to produce the resistant fabric you already know. Marijuana also derives from Cannabis sativa, but contains more than 0.2% of the psychoactive tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). To be clear, this is the bit that gives you the high, and the one that isn’t legal in the UK.
Is CBD Legal?
Cannabis is actually an umbrella term in which includes the family of Cannabis Sativa, in which are then included Hemp, rich in CBD and low in THC, and Marijuana, rich in CBD but also very rich in THC. Hemp and marijuana are often mistaken for each other because they can appear identical even though their molecular composition is different. Both can produce high amounts of CBD. However only hemp-derived CBD is legal in the UK (as long as it contains under 0.2% THC).
Will CBD Get Me High?
For all these reasons, CBD cannot get you high (sorry folks). It can be consumed without worrying about psychotropic effects. Having been used as a herbal remedy for centuries, only recently is was demonised by Governments and banned (Cannabis remains a Class C drug in the UK but is legal in some US states.) For this reason, studies around it’s use are not extensive, however some promising research exists. It is commonly used for medical purposes, as it is proven to have amazing results when used to treat things such as childhood epilepsy syndromes, arthritis and chronic pain. And while it is legal to be prescribed in the UK for a limited number of ailments, it is extremely difficult to attain this way.
CBD oil found on the market is typically used for insomnia, skincare and hormonal problems. It can be applied topically to aid your skins natural functions, or orally. Simply pop a few drops under your tongue (refer to specific products for amounts as this is dependent on the strength of your CBD oil). What requirements should you check before buying your CBD product? We recommend you choose an organic option, as Hemp has a natural propensity to draw toxins and metals from the soil. C02 supercritical extraction is the gold standard, as it eliminates the need to use toxic solvents.

How To Use CBD To Improve Wellness
CBD has proven healing properties, both for your body and your skin. Cannabidiol offers some serious antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits that can help treat skin concerns like inflammation, dryness and free radical damage. CBD might also be effective in fighting acne as it helps to reduce the production of sebum in the skin. Additionally, studies indicate that cannabidiol could also help to treat eczema and psoriasis too. All cannabidiol infused products are formulated using full-spectrum CBD oil, broad-spectrum CBD oil or CBD isolate. (Cannabis Sativa L. is also common in skincare but is derived from the cannabis seed where CBD is not found.) Which one should you pick for your skin? Full-spectrum CBD oil contains all the compounds found in Hemp, including trace amounts of THC. Broad-spectrum CBD oil contains a range of cannabinoids, but no THC. CBD isolate is the purest version of CBD. This form of oil is best for facial skin as it’s pure and doesn’t clog pores.
Apparently, Queen Victoria used CBD to alleviate her period pains. Women have used it for millennia for this purpose. Cannabinoid medicine expert, Dr Dani Gordon told Refinery29 that “there are no published research studies on using CBD for period pain relief, however, it does have well established, well studied anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects across a wide range of chronic pain conditions”. She claims that patients who take CBD oil daily at a high enough dose for chronic pain, including cyclical period pain and PMS symptoms, report less severe symptoms after three months of consistent use. CBD also has muscle-relaxing and vascular-relaxing properties, both great for decreasing painful cramps.
Some research and anecdotal evidence suggest that CBD can help you get a good night’s sleep. This is because CBD goes to the root of sleep deprivation by treating anxiety and pain. It works by interacting with the endocannabinoid system in our bodies to relieve stress. By alleviating pain and stress, we can get to sleep easier. Other research tells us that CBD affects the sleep cycle directly. The release of endocannabinoid anandamide when you take CBD increases slow wave sleep, meaning we can stay asleep. One study showed that CBD improved REM sleep behaviour disorder (RBD) symptoms, a condition in which a person acts out their dreams. Team CBD oil with a relaxing bedtime routine to ensure you doze off happily.
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Disclaimer: The content of this article is for general advice only and should not be used as a substitute for professional healthcare or beauty advice. We make every effort to ensure we only recommend safe products however you should always do a patch test when trying new products. This post may contain affiliate links.