Style With Substance S2 EP15: The Future Of Reusables
Image: LastObject
Do you give much thought to the lifecycle of a cotton bud? Many of us didn’t, but now they are banned in the UK, we are faced with the truth behind our single use plastic habit. Lucy speaks to LastObject Co Founder Isabel Aagaard to find out about the future of reusables.
Series Two, Episode Fifteen
The Future Beyond Single Use Plastics
In this episode we’re moving away from fashion, but only temporarily to talk to Isabel Aagaard, Co Founder of LastObject. The day we recorded this episode it was a happy accident that it was also the day that the UK banned the production and sale of plastic cotton buds, straws and stirrers. So without access to single use items like cotton buds, what do we do? Well Isabel and her team came up with the perfect reusable solution, the LastSwab. A reusable silicone swab that can be washed and used again. That was in 2019. Their aim was to eliminate 1.5billion swabs that are produced everyday.
Designing For A Sustainable World
LastObject are purposely choosing the smallest objects that you wouldn’t give a second thought to and reimagining their use. From cotton buds, to packets of tissues and now cotton rounds, the company is not only seeking to change your consumption, but also your habits. Isabel and her team delight in problem solving. They create incredibly considered designs for real life. With one intention, eliminating single use items and plastics. We talk about the lifecycle of single use products and how much of an impact they make before you use them once then throw them away. And how little changes can make a huge difference. After we recorded this conversation, I got an email from Last Object announcing that their LastRound kickstarter campaign had achieved 3000% funding. This goes to show that people do want a reusable alternative to the things we buy and discard every day.
With thanks to our amazing guest, Isabel Aagaard, Co Founder of LastObject
Special thanks to Kathleen of Be Influential PR
Mentioned in Episode
LastRound Kickstarter // Reusable Nappies // Who Gives a Crap // Support Garment Workers With Sophie Slater of Birdsong – Style With Substance
Series Credits
Host Lucy Kebbell
Theme created by Joe Murgatroyd
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