Weekly Offline Moment: The Benefits of Knitting

Welcome to your weekly offline moment, where we explore different ways to quieten your mind by taking you offline and back to real life. Our hectic modern lives are increasingly dominated by screens, and as a digital company we know first hand how tough it can be to take a break from that addictive blue glow.

Have you ever seen those people on the train or bus that get their knitting out while everyone else is glued to their phone screen? They seem serene. Unburdened by the stress often associated with commutes. This is the beauty of knitting. Research published by Knit for Peace found that knitting is beneficial for our bodies and our brains. This is because the repetitive and rhythmic process of knitting allows our mind to slow down, reaching an almost meditative state. One study by the Harvard Medical School reported that knitting even lowered subjects heart rates. There is also evidence that it helps those suffering from chronic pain by providing a calming distraction and can slow the onset of dementia.

We also love how portable knitting is. Meaning you can pretty much whip it out at any time that you feel a need to enter a calmer state. However if you prefer to make this a more social affair, there are several knitting groups around the UK. They provide support and a welcoming atmosphere to learn with new friends. So not only are you mastering a new skill and experiencing a wonderful sense of achievement, but the process of knitting your new favourite scarf or sweater can even benefit your wellbeing.

We Are Knitters

Recently launched in the UK, We Are Knitters is your one stop shop for beginning your journey as a knitter. Not only do they sell handy packs containing sustainably sourced wool, needles, patterns and instructions. They also have helpful how to videos and live support via their website for any questions or issues you may have. Simply choose what you want to create, even as a beginner there are some exciting projects on offer. Then when your pack arrives you can get cracking straight away. Be warned, it can get very addictive.

Disclaimer: The Vendeur reviewed We Are Knitters after we were sent a kit to try. The Vendeur only reviews products and brands that are approved by us.